Retired demographer Dr Geoffrey Hayes is calling on Nelson City Council…
Kākā Valley: The opponents
Aaron Stallard and Monica Pausina, from the Save the Maitai group, want a proposed housing development stopped.
“Nelson is split over a proposed plan change allowing housing development in the Kākā Valley. Tim Newman talks to the opponents.
Looking out at the view from the Maitai Cricket Ground, the green hills and wide open spaces make it hard to believe it’s just a few kilometres from the centre of Nelson as the crow flies. On a still winter’s morning the valley is quiet but for the gentle burbling of the Maitai River as it flows past, and interrupted only by the occasional vehicle driving past.While in summer nearby spots like Dennes Hole would be full of swimmers, during the colder months the valley still attracts a collection of walkers, joggers and cyclists. Overlooking the scene, Save the Maitai members Aaron Stallard and Monica Pausina fear all that could be lost by the establishment of a new 500-plus house subdivision over the other side of the river.”
Article Source (Tim Newman – 05.00 – June 12th 2021 – Stuff, Photo Credit: Martin De Ruyters)
Read the full Stuff article Here